Thailand Consumers Council urges authorities to decrease fuel tariff and promote residence photo voltaic panels use

The Thailand Consumers Council (TCC) is urging the federal government to assume about decreasing the fuel tariff (Ft) amid mounting complaints about excessive electricity bills while suggesting that the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) promote using home solar panels to assist tackle the problem.
Itthaboon Onwongsa, TCC deputy secretary, famous throughout a seminar discussing current increases in energy costs, that the way Thailand generates its electrical energy is partly accountable for the latest spikes noticed by households and industries.
Onwongsa defined that the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat), regardless of its title, solely produces approximately 34-35% of the electricity used within the country. The remaining electricity needs to be bought from various private firms, which Egat then resells to the Metropolitan Electricity Authority and Provincial Electricity Authority.
“The government must evaluate its contracts with private companies, and within the meantime, it ought to name off the development of latest personal power crops,” Onwongsa said.
Prasat Meetam, president of the Sub-Committee for Public Services, Energy and Environment, identified that Thailand reviews the Ft fee as quickly as every four months, whereas Malaysia does this each month, reports Bangkok Post.
“The energy cost for a 500-kilowatt hour [unit] in Thailand is 2,638 baht, whereas in Malaysia, it is only round 1,292 baht,” he stated.
The TCC also referred to as on the federal government to take instant motion to reduce energy payments. It stated the Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission should base its Ft rate calculation on precise usage as an alternative of forecast usage.
Additionally, the Ministry of Energy ought to restructure the price of gasoline used for electricity technology within the country by including the amount of gas provided to Gas Separation Plants (GSPs) and the petrochemical trade. Copy doing so could bring down the rate to 0.23-0.25 baht per unit, saving around 40-50 billion baht per 12 months.
The TCC also instructed the Energy Ministry order PTT Plc to subsidize Egat’s natural fuel supply utilizing revenues from the GSPs.
The ERC ought to promote solar panels at house and encourage users to enable “net metering,” a tool that “stores” the surplus power produced.
Confessions , a member of the Sub-Committee for Public Services, Energy and Environment, said electrical energy overproduction in Thailand stems from the Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE).
The standard LOLE is 24 hours per yr, however Thailand’s rate is 16.eight hours per yr..

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